8 de março de 2023

thornetta davis concert schedule

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Instant Download. Top Songs By Thornetta Davis. Mr. Sipp (Castro Coleman) J.P. Soars. You might try to save money by waiting until the last minute to purchase cheap Thornetta Davis tickets. In 2014, Davis performed at the Concert of Colors in Detroit with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. TicketSmarter creates no claim or credit for images featured on our site unless otherwise noted. Show: 7:00 pm. Thornettas strong voice, melodic command and smooth delivery have been exciting and wowing audiences around the world for over 30 years. var pid = 'ca-pub-0718695615942520'; If you pour some music on whatevers wrong, itll sure help out. Levon Helm, Just give me one thing that I can hold on to. John Prine. all Theatre Events, View All Filter by date. Detroit's Queen of Blues, Thornetta Davis, will be performing two live shows at The Carr Center on Feb. 16 and 17, as part of the center's Black History Month programming. . Play full songs with Apple Music. I Gotta Sang the Blues. Featured In. All NCAABB, View -Click here. "Detroit's Queen of the Blues," Thornetta Davis and her band will bring their authentic and award-winning show to W&L on March 10. Browse the Thornetta Davis ticket listing and see the entire 2023 Schedule. 2. BUY TICKETS. All West End Theatre, View By continuing past this page, you agree to our .css-6nxit1{transition-property:var(--ln-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--ln-transition-duration-fast);transition-timing-function:var(--ln-transition-easing-ease-out);cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;color:var(--ln-colors-white);}.css-6nxit1:hover,.css-6nxit1[data-hover]{color:var(--ln-colors-live);}.css-6nxit1:focus,.css-6nxit1[data-focus]{box-shadow:var(--ln-shadows-outline);}.css-6nxit1:active,.css-6nxit1[data-active]{color:var(--ln-colors-live);}Terms of Use. Ticket prices, tour dates, and event status are subject to change at any time. ID required. Near Me Join Join JamBase Log In. Seating is limited and tickets are required to reserve seats. SATURDAY ONLY. Food will be available from a food truck and Harolds Italian Ice starting at 5:30 p.m. and there are plenty of picnic tables. Thornetta Davis Concerts Get ready for the next concert of Thornetta Davis, tour 2022 Backed by her great band of musicians, Davis has opened for legendary blues and R&B greats such as Ray Charles, Gladys Knight, Smokey Robinson, Etta James, Buddy Guy, Koko Taylor and countless others. Share your show calendar with like-minded musicfans. Organizer Arts Garage Phone: 561-450-6357 Email: info@artsgarage.org Website: . Devins original songs have led to three albums full of favorites here, as well as on the country charts in Europe. Other tours will likely occur when Thornetta Davis gets together with other notable artists. View All Photos. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Add it to your JamBase Calendar totrack the shows youve been to! We've made it easy for you to locate the best seats for Thornetta Davis and the ideal day or dates for you. Venues like Tipitinas in New Orleans hold only 800 guests, giving fans plenty of opportunities to get close to Thornetta Davis. 7:00 pmAll concerts are free and held onTuesdays at 7:00 pm (unless noted) at Burton Park. Buy Thornetta Davis Tickets Online. Buy Tickets. All seats are side by side unless otherwise noted. Thornetta Davis says she's wiser, emboldened . Contemporary R&B became more popular in the 1980s and 1990s with the influence of hip hop and electronic music. Tickets are required. FRIDAY, JUNE 16 from 5 PM - 10 PM. Lower seating and floor seats will bring fans as close to the stage as possible. The festivities also include outdoor performances at the Detroit Institute of Arts and Detroit Public Library, including Hump the Grinders Hair Wars fashion show, video art installations, a puppet show from the Detroit Puppet Company, and live ice sculptors. See all about Thornetta Davis at The Token Lounge in Westland, MI on Nov 27, 2021. Subscribe now to not miss a thing. . Find tickets to all live music, concerts, tour dates and festivals in and around Ho Chi Minh City. Las Vegas, NV, Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY, Boston, MA, Toronto, ONT, Chicago, IL,Dallas, TX, San Diego, CA, Nashville, TN, Philadelphia, PA, Austin, TX,Charlotte, NC, Atlanta, GA, Kansas City, MO, Portland, OR, Denver, CO,Seattle, WA, Washington, DC, Minneapolis, MN, Myrtle Beach, SC,Phoenix, AZ, Houston, TX, Pittsburgh, PA, San Francisco, CA, Detroit, MI,Cleveland, OH, Brooklyn, NY, Saint Paul, MN, St. Louis, MO, Saratoga, CA,Branson, MO, Cincinnati, OH, Milwaukee, WI, Morrison, CO, Vancouver, BC,Raleigh, NC, Montreal, QUE, Columbus, OH, Tampa, FL, There's nothing quite like your first Liveconcert touror sports event,But before you head out to that awesomeThornetta Davis event, you'll need the right stuff. Detroit, MI . See concert schedule, lineup and event info. Thornetta Davis Tickets & Tour Dates 2023. Arriving more than 15 minutes after your reserved time will result in the cancellation of your reservation. Well send you a handful of interesting Detroit stories every morning. Its possible to find Thornetta Davis tour tickets that are a part of music festivals like the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and Essence Music Festival. All Rock, View See Thornetta Davis in Detroit. You can add up to 7 bands. Buy Tickets. PARTIES ENTERTAINMENT. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A full list of performing artists is on the chamber's website. Location. all Sports Events, Ain't Too Proud: The Life and Times of The Temptations, View Crowned "Detroit's Queen of the Blues" in 2015, Thornetta Davis a multi-talented International Singer and Songwriter from Detroit MI, USA is the Winner of over 30 Detroit Music Awards, including sweeping the 2017 and 2018 DMA'S and a six time BLUES MUSIC AWARD NOMINEE including two 2021nominations for Soul/Blues Female Artist and Istrumentalist Vocals. Cry Thornetta Davis. 3. Get Thornetta Davis tickets, 2023 - 2024 tour information and the Thornetta Davis concert schedule from Vivid Seats. - For now.The blues singer from Detroit has proven talent, performing at home and overseas and ope . No changes detected. and occasionally toured in Europe and the Netherlands. 8 were here. By Find list of Thornetta Davis event schedules, concert details and seating chart. The city of Troy is bringing its summer outdoor concerts back after a year on hiatus due to the pandemic. Honest Woman. Get Excellent Seats at Fantastic Prices at Cheapo Ticketing! included in ticket pricing. Food trucks are subject to change. Seats in the upper levels can start around $34. AUGUST 24 BIG BLUES BENDER HART PARTY EVENT, AUGUST 24-28 BIG BLUES BENDER IN LAS VEGAS @, THE WESTGATE RESORT CASINOhttps://bigbluesbender.com, AUGUST 20 YORK COUNTY FEST FRIENDSHIP PARK WATERBORO ME, AUGUST 18 CAPE COD THE MUSIC ROOM 541 MAIN W.YARMOUTH , MA 02673, THE MUSIC ROOM https://musicroomcapecodtickets.com/events/thursday-august-18-8pm-thornetta-davis/, AUGUST 11TH SUMMER SENSATION (ITS MY BIRTHDAY) CONERT TROY MI 6:30PM 8:30PMhttps://troymi.gov/departments/community_affairs/summer_sensation_concert_series.php, AUGUST 6 WESTLAND BLUES FESTIVAL WESTLAND MI 8:30 PM, AUGUST 4 ROYAL OAK SUMMER CONCERT 8:30PM 9:30PM, JULY 30 CHELSEA SOUNDS & SIGHTS FESTIVAL IN CHELSEA ,MI 7PM 8:30PM, JULY 29 BENZIE BAYOU BLUES & ZYDECO FUNDRAISER 4PM-11PMhttps://mynorthtickets.com/events/benzie-bayou-blues-zydeco-fundraiser-7-29-2022, JULY 15,16 KINGSTON MINES IN CHICAGO IL 7PM EVENT, JULY 8 THORNETTA DAVIS WILL PERFORMING WITH HER MAJESTY, @ THE VANCOUVER ISLAND MUSIC FESTIVALhttps://www.islandmusicfest.com/thornetta-davis/, JULY 7 LAKE ORION BLUES NIGHT AT Wildwood Ampitheater2700 Joslyn Ct,Lake Orion, MI 48360 United States, https://orion.events/event/thornetta-davis-motor-citys-queen-of-blues/, JULY 2 DETROIT MUSIC WEEKEND AT THE MUSIC HALL, JUNE 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30 JOES PUB IN NYC WITH TAYLOR MAC AND MATT RAY SONGS FROM BARK OF MILLIONShttps://publictheater.org/productions/joes-pub/2022/t/taylor-macmatt-ray/, JUNE 18 LIBERTY FESTIVAL IN CANTON MI 8:00 PM 10:00 PM https://www.canton-mi.org/925/Live-Performances, JUNE 17 ANN ARBOR SUMMER FESIVAL A2SFhttps://a2sf.org/events/thornetta-davis/, JUNE 16 DETROIT IS DIFFERENT A LOT OF STUDIO 5pm 9pm t 1634 Clements Detroit MI https://www.facebook.com/100008979253556/videos/311799604501600/, JUNE 11 RENT PARTYhttps://my.lighthousemi.org/rentparty/Static/Event-Info, JUNE 10 CHICAGO BLUES FESTIVAL 5:15 PMhttps://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/dca/supp_info/chicago_blues_festival8.html, LATER THAT EVENING THORNETTA WILL BE PERFORMING AT ROSAS LOUNGE @ 3420 W. ARMTAGE AVE. 773- 342-0452https://facebook.com/events/s/thornetta-davis-chicago-blues-/5501939109836687/, JUNE 6 -THORNETTA WILL BE HOSTING MOTOR CITY MUSIC MONDAYS W/ THE CHRIS CANAS BAND @ THE TIN ROOF DOWNTOWN DETROIT 7PM, JUNE 4 WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY- RICE AUDITORIUMEVENT, TICKETS, JUNE 3 THE TRIPLE DOOR in Seattle, WAhttps://tickets.thetripledoor.net/eventperformances.asp?evt=1803, MAY 24 JAZZ SOUS LES POMMIERS in NORMANDY, FRANCE, https://www.jazzsouslespommiers.com/artistes_2022/thornetta-davis/, MAY 21 THE TOKEN LOUNGE WESTLAND MI TICKETS AT TOKEN, MAY 5 BLUES MUSIC AWARDS IM NOMINATED FOR 2 2022 BMAs BEST CONTEMPORARY BLUES ARTIST FEMALE AND BEST INSTRUMENTALIST VOCALS. Ticket prices, tour dates, and event status are subject to change at any time. Find tickets for Thornetta Davis concert in Detroit at The Carr Center Contemporary on Feb 17, 2023 at 7:30 pm. This website is a tickets marketplace and acts as an intermediary between ticket buyers and ticket brokers to facilitate the purchase and sale of event tickets. Popular artists such as R. Kelly and Mariah Carey represent this more modern style of R&B and soul. JUNE 10TH JAZZIN AT THE VANITY TIME TBA. Thornetta Davis. Let's Go! Tom Butwin is a singer, actor, guitarist and songwriter. Just A Ticket - Bringing your favoriteThornetta Davis events directly to your doorstep! Phoenix. BLUES IS THE ROOTS EVERYTHING ELSE IS THE FRUITS WILLIE DIXON, APRIL 30 TRINITY HOUSE CONCERTS 8PM https://www.trinityhousetheatre.org/event/thornetta-davis-april-30-2022/, The Greater Detroit Community Center20030 John RDetroit, MI 48203, APRIL 8, 9 ALLEY CAT CLUB IN HOLLY HOTEL IN HOLLY MI https://wwwhollyhotelcom.ticketspice.com/thornetta-davis-april-8-9, APRIL 4 DETROITS QUEEN OF THE BLUES HOST MOTOWN MUSIC MONDAYS @ TIN ROOF DETROIT, Once a month Detroits Blues Queen Thornetta Davis will be hosting MOTOR CITY MUSIC MONDAYS showcasing Detroits finest musicians and their music. Music Box Supper Club! container.style.width = '100%'; Andrew Sullivan met his music teacher at an Alice Cooper concert when he was six. Eric Gales. 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Taxes and processing fees. By proceeding, you agree with our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. See Thornetta Davis in Detroit. Top Sports Toronto . Bell's Eccentric Cafe. Schedule. THORNETTA DAVIS 6:40 pm - 8:00 pm. Buy Tickets. 1148 Main AvenueCleveland, OH 44113All Rights Reserved. When you purchase event tickets from CheapoTicketing, the process is simple, cheap and secure. Looking for Thornetta Davis tickets? Davis is a 2018 Kresge Fellowship Awardee and the official Detroits Queen of Blues. Her latest CD, Honest Woman, has won over 30 Detroit Music Awards. An Evening with Thornetta Davis . To make a dining reservation, click here or call our Box Office at (216) 242-1250. "In her first time performing at Monterey, Detroit's Queen of the Blues, Thornetta Davis, sang with no-nonsense sass, fearless in her missives against lovers, as she preached the Blues" Down Beat, 2018 Monterey Jazz Festival review. Thornetta Davis - The Token Lounge - Nov 27, 2021, If you pour some music on whatevers wrong, itll sure help out., Just give me one thing that I can hold on to.. "She's got it. Thornetta is a six-time National Blues Music Awards nominee. Vip festival passes give patrons access to exclusive viewing areas. Buy cheap Thornetta Davis tickets at discounted prices. Around 25-50 Thornetta Davis tour dates will be set for the tour that can be as short as a few months or extend across multiple years. A full schedule is available at noelnight.org. Seniors: $20. Songs from Mamma Mia with ABBA Tribute Band Dancing Dream. You must be logged in to add a show. container.appendChild(ins); For more information on the concerts, call the Community Affairs Office at 248-524-1147 or check out the city's website at troymi.gov . 2018 $25,000 Kresge Fellowship Awardee and the official "Detroit's Queen of Blues" Thornetta Davis' latest CD Honest . 7PM-11PM MARCH 2022 var ffid = 2; . Thornetta Davis (born August 11, 1963) is an American Detroit blues and rhythm and blues singer. We are grateful to our partners and the over 90 participating venues for their excitement in bringing this tradition back this year.. CheapoTicketing.com is an independently owned and operated, licensed ticket broker that specializes in obtaining premium and sold out tickets to events nationwide. All Hip Hop, View All Broadway, View Click here to sign in and pay no convenience fees. The Holy Rocka Rollaz! Thornetta Davis/TBA concert tour schedule and other touring info can be updated at any moment. APRIL 3 MOTOR CITY MUSIC MONDAYS @ THE TIN ROOF IN DOWNTOWN DETROIT. Youre bound to hear a mix of R&B and soul tracks with your Thornetta Davis tickets. It is not guaranteed that if you wait to buy last-minute discount Thornetta Davis tickets, the prices will fall. 2023 -, Center Stage High School Musical Theater Awards. Among the top musical acts for this summer's concerts are The Verve Pipe, Thornetta Davis, Ben Sharkey, and Nick Kuhl and the gang. All Opera, View Thornetta Davis Tickets, Schedule & Tour dates 2023, icket listing and see the entire 2023 Schedule. Sign up for Concerts50 to track your favorite artists and receive notifications of upcoming events. all Theatre. Feb. 17. Thornetta Davis tickets for the upcoming concert tour are on sale at StubHub. Music video for I Believe performed by Thornetta Davis.www.ThornettaDavis.comhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC17wT85HWjPJR5hH9wMCiHQhttps://itunes.apple.com. During the 1970s, R&B became associated with soul and funk. THORNETTA DAVIS, ALABAMA MIKE & T. Atlantis Basel. Thornetta Davis. Subscribe now to not miss a thing. Tap the to get new show alerts. All Las Vegas Concerts, View Win concert tickets Win VIP tickets to festivals and local shows, plus other prizes. We guarantee all of our tickets 100% in the case that the event for which you purchased tickets is cancelled. . If this is really a must-see event for you, you should purchase your tickets from CheapoTicketing as soon as you find something you like. Thornetta Davis from United States. Tom starred as Jesus in Andrew Lloyd Webbers hit musical, Jesus Christ Superstar, is a four-time Detroit Music Award nominee, and recently brought his musical theater revue show, Brushes with Broadway, to life through a concert film and live album, which is available everywhere music is sold or streamed. Crowned "Detroit's Queen of the Blues" in 2015, Thornetta Davis a multi-talented International Singer and Songwriter from Detroit MI, USA is the Winner of over 30 Detroit Music Awards, including sweeping the 2017 and 2018 DMA'S. Thornetta has been exciting and wowing audiences all over . The Rhythm Room. Get up to 3 months free . Find Thornetta Davis tour dates and schedule 2023 -Click here. Live streams; Wichita concerts. The venue will also have a large impact on the cost of tickets. Thornetta Davis Band. Like many great R&B artists, Thornetta Davis has a knack for interacting with audiences. Try Now . See all 21 Events. Get 100% guaranteed Thornetta Davis tickets on TickPick and save 10%. Buddy Guy. All Classical, View Explore Thornetta Davis tour schedules, latest setlist, videos, and more on livenation.com View 7PM-11PM, MARCH 26 MUSIC BOX SUPPER CLUB-https://musicboxcle.com/event/aretha-franklin-birthday-mar26/, MARCH 17 ST. CLAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN PORT HURON, MI 12:00 NOON and 7:00PM https://sc4.edu/event/free-concert-thornetta-davis-4/, MARCH 5 TRAVERSE CITY, MI THE DENNOS MUSEUM https://www.traversecity.com/event-detail/the-dennos-concert-series%3A-thornetta-davis/13492/, FEBRUARY 23- CRISLER CENTER U OF M BASKETBALL THORNETTA SINGS THE NATIONAL ANTHEM, FEBRUARY 20 DETROIT DOES DISNEY THIRD NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 12850 PLYMOUTHDetroit MI48227- 7PM FREE ENTRY WHEN YOU BRING WARM CLOTHING FOR HOMELESS, FEBRUARY 10TH THE ARETHA CAFE @ THE MUSIC HALL DETROIT http://jazzcafedetroit.com/events/February-2022/The-Satin-Doll-Revue, JANUARY 29 THE PIX THEATRE IN LAPEER, MI, NOVEMBER 27 TOKEN LOUNGE IN WESTLAND MI TICKETS, NOVEMBER 11- ARETHA JAZZ CAFE W/ SKY COVINGTONS SATIN DOLL REVIEW, NOVEMBER 10 THEATRE AT CHERRY HILL IN CANTON, MI W/ JOSEPH AND THE VELOZIANS, OCTOBER 9 KING BISCUIT BLUES FESTIVAL 6:55PM (POSTPONED TILL 2022), https://kingbiscuitfestival.com/lineup/?stage=all, SEPTEMBER 24 LOTUS FESTIVAL BLOOMINGTON IL, SEPTEMBER 5 THREE RIVERS HARMONY FEST 8PMhttps://www.facebook.com/HarmonyFest/about/?ref=page_internal. 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