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supernatural in macbeth quotes and analysis

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You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. Its also worth considering why Shakespeare had chosen to resurrect Banquo but not Duncan, which would seem to make more dramatic sense and grant a greater degree of theatrical satisfaction (after all, itd be poetic justice for a murdered King to return and confront his betrayer). In other words, is she herself a witch of some kind? After all, trying to make sense of supernatural solicitings, it seems, can often bring more ill than good. Here, it is perhaps useful to quote Ludwig Wittgenstein, the 20th century Austrian-British philosopher, on his idea of determinism . Ironically, Shakespeare's tragedy ends soon after this somber speech. Analyze guilt in 'Macbeth' with quotes concerning paranoia, Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking, Banquo's ghost, and Macbeth's pleas to the doctor working to treat his wife. "For Banquos issue have I filed my mind / For them the gracious Duncan have I murdered.". Where Macbeth accepts the supernatural unquestioningly, doing some pretty dumb things like following a floating dagger and arguing publically with a ghost, Banquo isn't to completely discard his reason and rationality. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. "If it were done when tis done, then twere well / It were done quickly.". Macbeth also acknowledges that his role as Duncans host and subject is to protect his king, not murder him in his sleep. Make thick my blood.Stop up th' access and passage to remorse, It's easy to imagine audiences blinking from the theater, wondering, What's real? Turn into the fiercest beast, or become human again and challenge me to the harshest duel, Macbeth cries, just please dont show up as a ghost, because thats beyond the scope of his understanding and the domain of his power. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. To hold onto his ill-gotten crown, he orders the slaughter of his friend Banquo and the entire household of Lord Macduff, the Thane of Fife. For example Macbeth taking power from king Duncan was good for him in the short term however it drove him mad and resulted in his death. The four troublemakers provide Macbeth with the motivation and confidence he needs to kill Duncan and perform other dark actions. https://www.thoughtco.com/macbeth-quotes-explained-4179035 (accessed March 1, 2023). What's illusion? Reading, Follow The Hyperbolit School on WordPress.com, Hears the Witches prophecy for the first time, but cant quite make sense of it tells Lady Macbeth about it and together they plot Duncans murder, Recalls the Witches prophecy about Banquos sons being king, but isnt sure if that means Banquos sons will come seizing his crown orders Banquo and Fleances killing, Sees Banquos ghost, cant fathom how such strangeness has come about freaks out and goes to the Witches for more answers, Sees the apparitions, doesnt really get satisfactory answers orders the attack on Macduffs castle and the seizing of Fife, sets off the revenge of Macduff and Malcolm with the English troops. Continue to start your free trial. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. This moment, now that the dreadful deed is done, shows Macbeth what the rest of his life will be like: he will become king, but he also will be wracked with guilt and sure that supernatural elements are warning him of his imminent death. Yet who would have thought the old man, The thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now? Lady Macbeth plays a key part in driving Macbeth's motivations and encourages Macbeth to overcome his strong sense of guilt and take action on the prophecies. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Early on in the play, we already see Macbeth at the mercy of forces he cant control or command. Lady Macbeth calls on dark forces "Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts" - wants as much power as supernatural force - imperative - she herself is witch. You'll also receive an email with the link. "'Macbeth' Quotes Explained." Wow there is so much knowledge in your posts I hope it gets made into the the coolest eng lit study book in the world v soon , PS like your use of gender neutral language too for Macbeths personhood, Thanks for your encouraging words, Nikki I really appreciate it! Come to my woman's breasts. In my post on the 3 culprits behind Macbeths fall, Trevor Nunns 1979 RSC production of the play, What does Shakespeare show us about self-conscious men? To bed, to bed, to bed.". If you know anyone whos studying Shakespeare at school and need some extra ideas, please share this with them . Why does Macbeth think the Witches want to help him? depicts the dangers of entertaining . But if that's the casethen why does good triumph at the end? So, while Banquo sees a clear distinction between the supernatural and the human (and the need for the latter to fend itself against the former), Macbeth pursues even embraces a conflation of the two spheres he wants the knowledge of the Witches, hence his constant asking of why and how in his interactions with them throughout the play. William Shakespeare and Macbeth Background. As Lady Macbeth chastises her husband for losing it, Macbeth attempts to reassert his manhood by claiming that What man dare, I dare. Macbeth Character Analysis Macbeth Macbeth is introduced in the play as a warrior hero, whose fame on the battlefield wins him great honor from the king. (one code per order). to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. James I was himself fascinated and terrified by witchcraft, and had written a treatise titled Daemonologie, which is about black magic and the handling of witches. The fact that he disqualifiesthe evil they try to inspire in him tells us of his clear conscience. Others you may feel could be grade 8 depending on the . (Oh, but those chestnuts? (Just go with it.) She is the author of two books on home decor and sustainable design. In this shocking rebuke, Lady Macbeth attacks her husband's manhood. And Macbethreiterates what earlier the three witches uttered. (This post contains a detailed video on the topic.). The common belief was that powers of good and evil remained in constant conflict to take control of the souls of people. Instead, Banquos ghost does more to show us Macbeths personhood than it draws attention to its ghostly nature. In fact, before hes even seen them, he echoes their lexis in his statement , On the contrary, Banquo stands at a stark remove from the Witches, as his first instinct is to challenge the Witches very state of being, and not to engage them in a conversation. The dagger, of course, cannot respond. Look! It also reflects the play's overall interest in portraying the supernatural as a formidable force. Your favors nor your hate. In the words of another Shakespearean play Othello, Macbeth is led by the nose as asses are (allusion) through the hocus-pocus shenanigans of Hecate and her sisters, who first bait him with the possibility of kingship, then mock this great king while he grovels in the anguish of guilt and unknowing. To an extent, this should also highlight the impact that the shift from Elizabethan to Jacobean rule had on Shakespeares creative direction post-1603. If the former, theres plenty of examples included in this post for reference; if the latter, then perhaps you can embed a link to the post? Lady Macbeth shares Macbeth's crime, but does not immediately show guilt. In the story of Macbeth, Macbeth starts his adventure off as a hero and a trusted thane to the king, however, him and his wife, Lady Macbeth, were twisted into instruments of death and destruction as well as corruption. on 50-99 accounts. Macbeth aligns himself with their twisted thinking when he echoes their words in Act I, Scene 3: "So foul and fair a day I have not seen[.]". Some responses are clearly grade 9. [] on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Suppose the piece of paper could make the decision: Now I want to go this way. I say: Queer, this paper always decides where it is to go, and all the time it is the wind that blows it. Come let me clutch thee, I have thee not, and yet I see thee still The witches could have influenced Macbeths thoughts. The witches' incantation is frequently quoted due to its rhymed couplets and sing-song rhythm. After asking to be stripped of her femininity, Lady Macbeth appears to have gotten her wish as she delivers this disturbing but telling speech. He comments that they look not like the inhabitants o the earth, and asks them . for a customized plan. The supernatural reflected the atmosphere and the beliefs of Scotland and much of Europe in the sixteenth century. he is skeptical about the very notion of the Witches existence). She asks for the spirits to "unsex" her, suggesting that in order to take part in Duncan's murder, she must dispel with femininity altogether. Macbeth senses that the murder will change his life, by making him king, but also by unleashing his dark ambition on the world. The witches, one of the mo. The raven himself is hoarseThat croaks the fatal entrance of DuncanUnder my battlements. Shakespeare's Macbeth is a play believed to be written in 1605, focusing on the downwards spiral of . 3147 Words. BANQUO If you can look into the seeds of timeAnd say which grain will grow and which will not,Speak, then, to me, who neither beg nor fear I had else been perfect." (Shakespeare 3.4.22) In addition to the witches, when the supernatural ghost of Banquo appears at the banquet, Macbeth reacts with fear and disbelief, leading him to act with irregular behaviour. That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full. SECOND WITCH When the hurly-burly's done, When the battle's lost and won. Macbeth speaks this line after he has become king, but continues to feel restless and insecure. or whyUpon this blasted heath you stop our wayWith such prophetic greeting? ALL Double, double toil and trouble;Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. The fact that he is troubled enough to hallucinate, yet still sane enough to understand that he is hallucinating, can be contrasted with his later mental state, when he fully believes he sees Banquos ghost, even though Lady Macbeth tells him no one is there. Macbeth, however, assumes even before the Witches have spoken to him that they possess human faculties, which we can infer from his commands for them to speak and his addressing them as imperfect speakers. Or is this all just a metaphor for evil thoughts? Duncan quotes in Act 1 Scene 4 "He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust". It is more a supernatural story than it is drama. Dont have an account? Let not light see my black and deep desires.". ThoughtCo. We first get a glimpse of the Witches illuminating role in Act 1 Scene 3, when the First Witch complains to her posse about the sailors wife, who refused to share her chestnuts with the Witch and called the latter a hag. Macbeth . What's evil is good. Macbeth is a complex and conflicted character. This quotation also reveals that Lady Macbeth had had a child at some point, despite not having any children in the present. Translation: There is no justification for killing Duncan (he is my king, my guest and has been generous to me). Ere the bat hath flownHis cloister'd flight, ere to black Hecate's summonsThe shard-borne beetle with his drowsy humsHath rung night's yawning peal, there shall be doneA deed of dreadful note. This instance marks the first time that Macbeth has a hallucination, suggesting his descent into stress-induced madness. In Act 5, Scene 3, Macbeth boldly tells his servants that hes not worried about the approach of Malcom and Macduff to battle him because of the Witches prophecies: first, that he cant lose until Birnam Wood moves, and second, that he cant be killed except by a man not born of a woman. He doesn't want any favors from them, and he's not afraid of ticking them off. Supernaturalism is the theme which brings out the theme of power and guilt in the play much clearly.Previous LessonNotes on the Theme of Powerin Macbeth by William ShakespeareNext LessonNotes on Appearance vs Realityin Macbeth by William Shakespeare, https://englishsummary.com/privacy-policy, Macbeth by William Shakespeare Short Summary, Notes on Character Sketch of Macbeth in English, Notes on Character Sketch of Lady Macbethin English, Notes on Character Sketch of Macduffin English, Notes on Character Sketch of Banquoin English, Notes on Ghost of Banquo in Macbeth by Shakespeare, Notes on the Role of Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Notes on Minor Charactersin Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Notes on the Theme of Ambition in Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Notes on the Theme of Guiltin Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Notes on the Theme of Powerin Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Notes on Supernaturalismin Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Notes on Appearance vs Realityin Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Notes on Kingship, Fate, Evil, & Bloodin Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Notes on Tragic Flaw in Macbethby William Shakespeare, Notes on Symbolism & Imageryin Macbethby William Shakespeare, Notes on Motifsin Macbethby William Shakespeare, Notes on Prophecies & Apparitionsin Macbethby William Shakespeare, Notes on Soliloquyin Macbethby William Shakespeare, Key Quotes in the Play Macbethby William Shakespeare. The close contriver of all harms,Was never call'd to bear my part,Or show the glory of our art? Come, thick night, What is significant about the first words that Macbeth speaks in the play? By the time Macbeth says these lines, in Act 3, Scene 4, Banquo has been murdered at Macbeths command. | And quit my sight! Women's milk is a recurring motif in Shakespeare's play, representing the soft, nurturing qualities Lady Macbeth renounces. Often, it is the responsibility of oneself to determine the outcome of your life, however there will always be influential people who either directly or indirectly affect the decisions made. Come, let me clutch thee. Out, out, brief candle! But perhaps it would have been unwise to stage the ghost of a King in front of a living King, and despite the ghosts in Hamlet and Julius Caesar both being once-kings, those are Elizabethan plays (i.e. Seemly unruffled, she tells her husband, "A little water clears us of this deed" (Act II, Scene 2). 9 High level Macbeth responses to a range of GCSE style questions. Abandoned by his noblemen and knowing his own days are numbered, he delivers one of the most desolate soliloquies in the English language. These lines form one of the most famous speeches in the play, revealing Macbeths grief as well as his pessimism and despair. Here, Macbeth is preparing to murder the king when delivers this haunting soliloquy. One after the other, she names murder victims: the king ("the old man"), Macduff's wife, and Banquo. There are also many references to the devil, hell and violence. In this extended metaphor, Macbeth compares life to a theatrical performance. 2. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Banquo is showing us how to approach the supernatural: very carefully. Its easy to apply noble Macbeth and his eventual murder of Duncan to the fair is foul reading, but whos foul thats also fair? By the end of the speech, he has all but decided not to go through with the murder, but Lady Macbeth will convince him otherwise. Notwithstanding the visual spectacle and political considerations that would have motivated Shakespeare to include supernatural elements in Macbeth, its important that we dont lose sight of the Bard as, above all, a humanist playwright. The words themselves seem nonsensical. Macbeth himself goes from living a normal life to leading a horrible, guilt-ridden existence where he starts to kill more and more and even loses his wife. "There to meet with Macbeth" - Shows that they can predict the future because they know the will meet Macbeth. SECOND WITCH document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Whats the difference between symbol & motif? Or do you mean you want to cite this blog post for your essay? Back in Renaissance England, however, the targets for these witchcraft trials were usually poor, cranky, old women, whom people would blame if they had contracted illnesses or ran into misfortunes all without much scientific basis, of course. Macbeth e-text contains the full text of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Essentially, though, he is a human being whose private ambitions are made clear to the audience through his asides and soliloquies (solo speeches). This, of course, forebodes what will eventually happen to Macbeth, who will be so besieged by the mental storms of his guilt that he too will suffer endless sleepless nights, as he says that he has murder[ed] sleep, the innocent sleep after killing Duncan in Act 2 Scene 2. Have I not reason, beldams as you are?Saucy and overbold, how did you dare Join today and never see them again. In Macbeth, the sup . Key idea 2: The supernatural as a reminder of man's mortal limits One of the greatest ironies in this play is Macbeth's powerlessness upon gaining power. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Techniques: Characterisation, fatal flaw. To bed, to bed, to bed! "Double, double toil and trouble / Fire burn, and cauldron bubble". He's shocked by the sight of his murderous hands. Macbeth doth come.. Booker's Seven Basic Plots Analysis Plot Analysis Allusions Quotes Versions of Reality The Supernatural Violence Fate and Free Will Time Ambition Power Gender Premium For Teachers Remove Ads Tired of ads? A motif or recurring idea in the play is equivocation. Like many things in Macbeth's distorted vision, it's not even real. She believes that her husband is "too full o' the milk of human kindness" (Act I, Scene 5) to kill the king. "Is this a dagger which I see before me, / This handle toward my hand? In the 1600s, she may have appeared as weird and unnatural as the witches with their eerie incantations. Click on the banner below itll take you 30 secs ;)). It also highlights the play's interest in patrilineal succession, as Macbeth has no heirs, like Banquo, to continue his line after his death. Thus, with so much emphasis on consequence, Macbeth. Here, he expresses his anxiety that the blood will not come off, using a metaphor for the guilt he feels over what he has done. "Come you spirits that tend in moral thoughts unsex me here and fill me to the crown to the top-full of direst cruelty" - lady macbeth, act 1 scene 5, Lady Macbeth is summoning evil spirits to replace the good in her. Everything is strangely reversed. And so his desire to know how his fate will unfold compels him to keep fixing his eyes on this supernatural spectacle, which of course, only muddles his own vision and judgment of what is fair and what is foul. In a way, the witches' disobedience seems like a parallel to the way Macbeth, "the wayward son," is insubordinate to King Duncan. She implies that he must be weakweaker than his wife, weaker than a nursing motherif he cannot keep his vow to take the throne. You do not want to tick off a witch. / I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.". There is no direct mention of any real character of the play in Scene I, Act 1 but it is in such a supernatural happening, the primary contradictioninherent in the play is uttered when together they say, fair is foul, and foul is fair., As if through such outer metaphysics the true meditation on the themes of the play is possible. Macbeth senses that the murder will change his life, by making him king, but also by unleashing his dark ambition on the world. In that sense, what enables us to Hover through the fog and filthy air of the play is the presence of the Witches, their trickery, but most importantly, their function as a mirror for Macbeths private self. Stop up the access and passage to remorse, Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. ". Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Ill see no more:And yet the eighth appears, who bears a glassWhich shows me many more; and some I seeThat two-fold balls and treble scepters carry:Horrible sight! 1.". He brags that his mind and courage will never falter. This scene immediately imbues the play with a dark and sinister mood, while also showcasing how the supernatural will figure into the rest of the plot. Prithee, see there! "I have given suck, and know / How tender tis to love the babe that milks me / I would, while it was smiling in my face / Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums / And dashed the brains out.". But it's the hard-hearted Lady Macbeth who eventually collapses under the weight of guilt, and she is the one who gives this monologue. What's that all about? The rhyming further hunts at there link to Macbeth seen as Shakespeare has him rhyme just like this through the play. Were such things here as we do speak about? "(Act II, Scene 1), The witches also set the tone for moral confusion and hallucinatory scenes like Macbeth's encounter with a floating dagger. Hell is murky! 2.". Each person is nothing more than a shadow cast by that flickering light, a silly actor who struts about and then vanishes when the candle is snuffed. "come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts"- Lady Macbeth, Act 1 Scene 5. Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Macbeth surrendering to the suggestions made by their prophecies binds him to a tragic fate beyond his power toprevent it. Hi Maria, are you asking for quotations from Macbeth to include in your essay? The Question and Answer section for Macbeth is a great Contained within this frequently-used quote of the serpent and in Lady Macbeth's statements in general are a call to duplicity. "- witches, Act 4 Scene 1. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Designed by GonThemes. Come to my woman's breastsAnd take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers,Wherever in your sightless substancesYou wait on nature's mischief. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Shakespeare's Macbeth validates how, just like in real life, one's faith in and interpretation of the prevalent supernatural contributes to their actions and beliefs. You can view our. Macbeth Supernatural Quotes Advertisement - Guide continues below Previous Next The Supernatural Act 1, Scene 1 Weird Sisters (the Witches) FIRST WITCH When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain? The audience might not get a look at the stage directions, but all the clues are here: the women speak in rhythmic, chant-like lines (check out "Writing Style" for a close look at their language); they call out to their familiarsand, since "Graymalkin" was a common name for a cat, the audience would have gotten the reference, sort of like saying, "I come, Crookshanks/ Hedwig calls"; and, finally, they end with that creepy inversion: fair is foul, and foul is fair." Even witches have to follow orders. "Come, you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, / And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full / Of direst cruelty!". 157-159) Macbeth's arrogance is made apparent with the immediacy of his thoughts of becoming king and it is clear that the supernatural has given him arrogant ambition as Macbeth is already beginning to think of how he will be crowned king. The Tragedy of Macbeth opens with an eerie, supernatural scene. Are we part of the play? HECATE ThoughtCo, Feb. 11, 2021, thoughtco.com/macbeth-quotes-explained-4179035. Why does Macbeth kill King Duncans two chamberlains? The witches mightve been based on popular superstition of that time but they are beings with power more than mere witchcraft. Two key characters who are tied to ambition throughout the play are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, which can be seen through the quotes below. Here, Macbeth expresses his worry that the murder of Duncan was not worth the guilt he feels, as the witches have prophesied that it is Banquo's sons who will eventually take over the throne. So in this post, Ive summarised 3 major ways through which we can make sense of the supernatural in this play: One of the most famous lines in this play comes at the end of Act 1 Scene 1, when the Witches chant in unison . Shall Banquos issue everReign in this kingdom? ("They pluck out mine eyes.") "Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more! This quotation remains famous because it highlights the play's exploration of gender and power. However, much of the blame can be placed on his wife. The witchesalso called "weird sisters"are odd and unnatural. Shakespeare uses the ghost in a supernatural tone to unsettle Macbeth from the leftovers of his ambitious strength. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. There's comfort yet; they are assailable.Then be thou jocund. FIRST WITCHI'll drain him dry as hay.Sleep shall neither night nor dayHang upon his penthouse lid.He shall live a man forbid.Weary sev'nnights, nine times nine,Shall he dwindle, peak, and pine.Though his bark cannot be lost,Yet it shall be tempest-tossed. Again, if we contrast Macbeths questions against Banquos, well realise that Macbeth asks epistemological questions (and as such, tacitly accepts the Witches existence), whereas his companion is much more concerned with the ontological status of these Witches (i.e. This makes Macbeth believe that no man can of woman born can ever defeat him. Speak, I charge you. Shakespeare's witches are fascinating because they force us to question the natural order of things, as well as our notions about fate and free will. In my post on the 3 culprits behind Macbeths fall, I argue that the supernatural in Macbeth is largely a dramatic device for Shakespeare to magnify his protagonists hamartia (fatal flaw). "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, And all our yesterdays have lighted fools. Youre welcome and I do already Keep up the good work! Never shake thy gory locks at me! Macbeth sees the ghost, so it is something supernatural. Like a horse spurred to leap too high, this much ambition can only result in downfall. The effect and it! After James VIs marriage to Anne of Denmark (before he became James I of England), the newly married couple were sailing home when their ship ran into violent storms and were diverted off-course for several weeks. Thou art too like the spirit of Banquo: down!Thy crown does sear mine eye-balls. Macbeth - supernatural quotations "fair is foul and foul is fair" - The three witches. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Macbeth says these lines in Act 2, Scene 2, immediately after murdering Duncan. What need we, fear who knows it, when none can call our power to, account? ALL Fair is foul, and foul is fair;Hover through the fog and filthy air. Basically, Macbeth is thinking aloud, trying. Here, Macbeth acknowledges that ambition is his only motivation ("spur") to commit murder. After Macbeth learns of his wifes death, he utters these words in Act 5, Scene 5. In this speech in Act 2, Scene 3, he explains to Macduff and the others that he couldnt be both calm and furious at once, and that his emotions overtook him. A seventh! Required fields are marked *. The rhetorical question What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom? and its following exclamations Another yet! By the end of the speech, he seems to have decided against the murder, but his wife will soon talk him back into it. And this is maybe the most famous line in Macbeth. (1.3.15-27), All the sailor's wife did was refuse to share her chestnuts, and now the sisters are going to make him impotent and infertile. "This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good" - Macbeth, act 1 scene 3. Macbeth from the leftovers of his ambitious strength immediately show guilt formidable force my hand course, not... 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Are you asking for quotations from Macbeth to include in your browser 1, 2023 ) of. Extended metaphor, Macbeth acknowledges that ambition is his only motivation ( `` they pluck out mine.. Toprevent it draws attention to its rhymed couplets and sing-song rhythm for evil thoughts beings with more. Motif in Shakespeare 's tragedy ends soon after this somber speech brags that his role as Duncans host and is. Originating from this website, was never call 'd to bear my part, or show the glory of partners!

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supernatural in macbeth quotes and analysis

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