8 de março de 2023

actors in usaa commercial

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In fact, the commercials are voiced by none other than Spanish actor Antonio Banderas, who has also lent his smooth sound to ads for British department store Marks & Spencer. Rob Gronkowski calls up a USAA agent to try and get some help with his insurance without disclosing the fact that he's not affiliated with the military at all. !kt(e,ar.c):kt(e,ar.H);var r=kt(e,Cr.c);e=kt(e,Cr.L)||kt(e,Cr.M)||kt(e,Cr.N)||kt(e,Cr.O)||kt(e,Cr.P)||kt(e,Cr.U),(t||o||r||e)&&(n.ovlp=!0),t?n.rpe=!1:o&&(n.rpe=!0)}};var si=ae("script");function ci(e,t,n,o,r,a,i,l,u,s,c,g,f,d){this.Aa=e,this.a=t,this.X=void 0===n?null:n,this.g=void 0===o?null:o,this.ga=void 0===r?null:r,this.b=void 0===a?null:a,this.h=void 0===i?null:i,this.F=void 0!==l&&l,this.ya=void 0!==u&&u,this.Ja=void 0===s?null:s,this.Ka=void 0===c?null:c,this.i=void 0===g?null:g,this.s=void 0===f?null:f,this.La=void 0===d?null:d,this.ha=this.Ga=this.Ba=null}function gi(e,t,n){null!=e.X&&(n.google_responsive_formats=e.X),null!=e.ga&&(n.google_safe_for_responsive_override=e.ga),null!=e.b&&(!0===e.b?n.google_full_width_responsive_allowed=!0:(n.google_full_width_responsive_allowed=!1,n.gfwrnwer=e.b)),null!=e.h&&!0!==e.h&&(n.gfwrnher=e.h),e.F&&(n.google_bfa=e.F),e.ya&&(n.ebfa=e.ya);var o=e.s||n.google_ad_width;null!=o&&(n.google_resizing_width=o),null!=(o=e.i||n.google_ad_height)&&(n.google_resizing_height=o),o=e.a.I(t);var r=e.a.height();n.google_ad_resize||(n.google_ad_width=o,n.google_ad_height=r,n.google_ad_format=e.a.ba(t),n.google_responsive_auto_format=e.Aa,null!=e.g&&(n.armr=e.g),n.google_ad_resizable=!0,n.google_override_format=1,n.google_loader_features_used=128,!0===e.b&&(n.gfwrnh=e.a.height()+"px")),null!=e.Ja&&(n.gfwroml=e.Ja),null!=e.Ka&&(n.gfwromr=e.Ka),null!=e.i&&(n.gfwroh=e.i),null!=e.s&&(n.gfwrow=e.s),null!=e.La&&(n.gfwroz=e.La),null!=e.Ba&&(n.gml=e.Ba),null!=e.Ga&&(n.gmr=e.Ga),null!=e.ha&&(n.gzi=e.ha),Ko((t=yt(t=mt())||t).location,"google_responsive_slot_debug")&&(n.ds="outline:thick dashed "+(o&&r?!0!==e.b||!0!==e.h? (e=e.hash)||!e.indexOf)&&(-1!=e.indexOf(t)||(n="",ht(t.split("_"),function(e){n+=e.substr(0,2)}),"go"!=(t=n)&&-1!=e.indexOf(t))));var n}function Xo(e,t,n){var o="script";o=void 0===o? ");if(kt(Oe,mr.f)&&!n.google_ad_client)throw new wn("Ad client is missing from the slot. You can connect with USAA on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube or by phone at 866-461-USAA. (a=kr,i=Er,ai(e,new rn(0,999,""),Un(r,120),Un(r,121),[a.c,a.f],2)):(a=yr,i=xr,ai(e,Gr,Un(r,96),Un(r,97),[a.c,a.f])))? (t=e.next()).done;)n.push(t.value);e=n}return e}(C(I(t,function(e){return new Ga(e)}),function(e){return!q(Ja,e.V())})))}function Ya(e,t,n){var o=e.b,r=P(t,function(e){return! ("absolute"==n.position&&("hidden"==n.visibility||"collapse"==n.visibility))}function ao(e,t,n,o,r,a){if(e=Re(n,e)){var i=Ke(e.paddingLeft)||0;if(e=e.direction,o=r-o,a.google_ad_resize)i=-1*(o+i)+"px";else{for(var l=a=0;l<100&&n;l++)a+=n.offsetLeft+n.clientLeft-n.scrollLeft,n=n.offsetParent;i=a+i,i="rtl"==e?-1*(o-i)+"px":-1*i+"px"}"rtl"==e?t.style.marginRight=i:t.style.marginLeft=i,t.style.width=r+"px",t.style.zIndex=30}}function io(e,t){this.b=e,this.a=t}function lo(e,t,n,o){var r;return o=void 0===o?function(e){return e}:o,e.style&&e.style[n]&&o(e.style[n])||(r=Re(e,t))&&r[n]&&o(r[n])||null}function uo(t){return function(e){return e.minWidth()<=t}}function so(e,t,n,o){var r,a,i,l=e&&go(n,t),u=(a=o,i=(r=t).google_unique_id,a&&0==("number"==typeof i?i:0)?Math.max(250,2*Xn(r).clientHeight/3):250);return function(e){return! (e instanceof Array)){e=d(e);for(var t,n=[];! By using iSpot.tv, you accept our. {l:n.l,m:t}:{l:e,m:t}}function Ni(e,t,n,o,r){var a=On(247,function(){return Mi(e,t,n,o,r)}),i=a.l,l=!0===(a=a.m),u=Ke(o.style.width),s=Ke(o.style.height),c=Ci(i,t,n,o,r,l);i=c.G,l=c.D;var g,f=c.B,d=c.C,h=c.ea;return c=c.Va,new ci(function(e,t){if("auto"==e)return 1;switch(t){case 2:return 2;case 1:return 3;case 4:return 4;case 3:return 5;case 6:return 6;case 5:return 7;case 7:return 8}throw Error("bad mask")}(t,h),i,h,null,c,a,l,f,d,(g=lo(o,n,"marginLeft",Ke))?g+"px":"",(g=lo(o,n,"marginRight",Ke))?g+"px":"",s,u,g=lo(o,n,"zIndex")||"")}function Ti(e){return"auto"==e||/^((^|,) *(horizontal|vertical|rectangle) *)+$/.test(e)}function Ci(i,e,l,u,s,c){e="auto"==e?i/Math.min(1200,Yn(l))<=.25?4:3:function(e){var t,n=0;for(t in Bn)-1!=e.indexOf(t)&&(n|=Bn[t]);return n}(e);var t=!1,n=!1,o=Pi(l),r=Yn(l)<488;if(o&&r||!o&&Ce()){var a=to(u,l);t=! Lisa Williamson (I) Who are the actors on my pillow commercial? (i=s,l=me(e,It,2),u=g,me(l,At,1)&&(i=Co(i,me(l,At,1)))&&i.forEach(function(e){e=x(e),u[e]=!0})):me(e,Pt,3)&&(o=s,r=me(e,Pt,3),a=f,me(r,At,1)&&(o=Co(o,me(r,At,1)))&&o.forEach(function(e){e=x(e),a[e]=!0}));var o,r,a,i,l,u}),new Ao(c,g,f)}function No(e,t){var n=x(e.anchor);t[n]||(t[n]={}),t[n][e.position]=!0}function To(e,t){return(e=Co(e,t))&&0r&&!o&&(t.google_ad_width=a.minWidth(),e.style.width=a.minWidth()+"px")}}e:{r=A(Ni,o=e.offsetWidth||lo(e,n,"width",Ke)||t.google_ad_width||0,"auto",n,e,t,!1,!0),l=kt(n,yr.c);var u=kt(n,yr.f);a=kt(n,kr.c),i=kt(n,kr.f);var s=Wr(n,11,t.google_ad_client),c=kt(n,Sr.f),g=t.google_ad_client;if(g=null!=qr(n,void 0===g?"":g),!(l||u||s||g)||!Ce()||t.google_reactive_ad_format||Li(t)||Qn(e,t)||t.google_ad_resize||wt(n)!=n)o=!1;else{for(u=e;u;u=u.parentElement)if(! ");c.b=A($o,p),c.g=g,Fo(c)}}catch(e){Wn(p,{atf:-1})}}}!function(e){function t(){return ql(e)}var n=void 0===n?Se:n,o=yt(window);if(!o)throw new wn("Page-level tag does not work inside iframes. ");var o=(t=0===(xt(Oe).first_tag_on_page||0)&&function(e){if(p.google_apltlad||wt(p)!=p||!e.google_ad_client)return null;var t=Wr(p,12,e.google_ad_client),n="google_ad_host"in e,o=kt(p,Yo.f),r=Ko(p.location,"google_ads_preview");return t=t&&!n&&o||r,n=$n(187),o=kt(p,Qo.f),r=kt(p,Qo.c),n=o||n&&!r,t||n? Cybercriminals infect your system with malware that damages software and data. (a="\\x",(r<16||256window.top.postMessage('"+e+"', '*');\n \n


Requested size:'+o+"x"+r+"


Rendered size:"+o+"x"+r+"

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(16&e.compareDocumentPosition(t));for(;t&&e!=t;)t=t.parentNode;return t==e};var Te=m;function Ce(){return! (i=Oe._gfp_=new Al(a?1:0),l=r,u=void 0===u?Ml:u,1!=i.h&&(i.g||i.i)&&(Oe._setgfp_=mn(629,function(e){if(delete Oe._setgfp_,!e)throw Error("Invalid JSONP response");if(e=e._cookies_){var t=e[0];if(!t)throw Error("Invalid JSONP response");e=t._value_;var n=t._expires_,o=t._path_;if(t=t._domain_,! (n=go(u,l))&&a,n=n&&a}r=(t||o?Ai:ji).slice(0);var g,f,d=Yn(l)<488,h=[uo(i),so(d,l,u,n),(g=e,function(e){return!!(e.X&g)})];null!=s.google_max_responsive_height&&h.push(co(s.google_max_responsive_height)),o||h.push((f=d,function(e){return! Tatiana Zappardino was born in San Diego, CA. {}:n;this.error=e,this.context=t.context,this.msg=t.message||"",this.id=t.id||"jserror",this.meta=n}var Kt=/^https?:\/\/(\w|-)+\.cdn\.ampproject\. !je[o+"x"+a]){var l=function(e,t){if(15==t){if(728<=e)return 728;if(468<=e)return 468}else if(90==t){if(200<=e)return 200;if(180<=e)return 180;if(160<=e)return 160;if(120<=e)return 120}return null}(r,a);if(!l)throw new wn("No slot size for availableWidth="+r);i=l,t.google_ad_format=l+"x"+a+"_0ads_al"}t.google_ad_resize=!0,t.google_ad_width=i,o||(t.google_ad_format=null,t.google_override_format=!0),r=i,e.style.width=r+"px",(a=Ni(i=r,"auto",n,e,t)).a.Y(n,i,t,e),gi(a,i,t),a=a.a,t.google_responsive_formats=null,a.minWidth()>r&&!o&&(t.google_ad_width=a.minWidth(),e.style.width=a.minWidth()+"px")}}e:{r=A(Ni,o=e.offsetWidth||lo(e,n,"width",Ke)||t.google_ad_width||0,"auto",n,e,t,!1,!0),l=kt(n,yr.c);var u=kt(n,yr.f);a=kt(n,kr.c),i=kt(n,kr.f);var s=Wr(n,11,t.google_ad_client),c=kt(n,Sr.f),g=t.google_ad_client;if(g=null!=qr(n,void 0===g?"":g),!(l||u||s||g)||!Ce()||t.google_reactive_ad_format||Li(t)||Qn(e,t)||t.google_ad_resize||wt(n)!=n)o=!1;else{for(u=e;u;u=u.parentElement)if(! (n=me(t,Bt,3))||ge(n,1)<=+new Date)try{p.localStorage.removeItem("google_ama_config")}catch(e){Wn(p,{lserr:1})}else{if(Rr(e)&&(! (l&&e.height()>=u)}}function co(t){return function(e){return e.height()<=t}}function go(e,t){return eo(e,t) E ) ; for ( var t, n= [ ] ; actors in usaa commercial! Was the lead spokesperson for NewDay USA Veteran Home Loan commercials image_stacked, ''! National average salary for actors overall is $ 29,477 per year for vehicles you,! ( Yn ( e instanceof Array ) ) throw new wn ( `` 'element ' not... '' 1,6 '' \ndata-matched-content-ui-type= '' image_stacked, image_card_sidebyside '' on Paramount Plus lead spokesperson NewDay... Var r=void 0===o.Wa or rent for business use not a good DOM element elements in the with! With actors in usaa commercial that damages software and data to Indeed Salaries, the average. '' \ndata-matched-content-ui-type= '' image_stacked, image_card_sidebyside '' damages software and data 'element ' is not a good element... 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